Jokulsarlon Stock Photo

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J�¶kuls�¡rl�³n is today one of Iceland's best known and most popular natural wonders, and for a good reason. A magnificent view welcomes you as you arrive there and it's almost like stepping into a fairy tale landscape. On a big glacial lagoon that Vatnaj�¶kull touches, enormous icebergs float around, but the landscape is otherwise dominated by black sands and rocks. The lagoon is effected by flood and ebb, making the lagoon a mix of sea and freshwater lake. This leads to feed being carried into the lagoon, that seals and common eider both eat, and this adds colour to the area. The lagoon is situated on Brei�°amerkursandur, between the Skaftafell National Park and H�¶fn �­ Hornafir�°i.